At DTC we are PASSIONATE about supporting young people through their GCSE English exams. Revision on Tour does exactly what it says on the tin - offering ALL students the chance to experience the texts they have been studying in class in a beautiful theatre, performed by professional actors. During those crucial revision months, we tour the UK with our unique adaptations - staying true to the original texts but performed in an accessible & engaging way, bringing high-quality theatrical experiences to young people, students, teachers, parents and all lovers of English literature. 

We also offer POST SHOW Q&A sessions involving the entire cast, allowing the audience to ask us anything they like!

We also offer schools the opportunity to stream our filmed productions. This multifaceted approach ensures an immersive and accessible educational journey for students from the comfort of their classroom.

For more information about Streaming and Masterclass packages click here.

TOURING MACBETH & DR JEKYLL & MR HYDE at a theatre near yoU, JANUARY-MAY 2025!


Post Show Q&A with the cast & Director